Spill the Beans is a startup online platform designed to promote high-quality multimedia journalism in Germany. The latest project they feature is Briony Campbell’s “Saying Goodbye with my Camera,” a wonderfully personal and moving piece. Campbell accompanies her dying father on his last days of his battle against cancer – and in the process learns to deal with her own grief. Make sure to look at this when you really have time for it. This is definitely not a piece that you want to watch in a rush.

November 30, 2010
Uwe Martin, a great friend of mine and a former Fulbrighter at the Missouri School of Journalism, is currently competing in the Hope for a Healthy World Photo Competition with his story on Narcolepsia. If you have a minute, please take a look at his (and the other contestants’) images here and consider voting for him!
November 28, 2010
At this point, we’ve all seen so many of these fancy little time-lapse films and tilt-shift photographs that most of us turn away with a yawn when we see yet another. Few people seem to have a genuine idea of what these techniques really can do and just use them because they are pretty. However, there are exceptions. Take a moment to check out these truly wonderful works of Keith Loutit, a Sydney-based photographer who has mastered both tilt-shift and time lapse technique like few others before. In his short films, he creates perfect illusions of little miniature worlds – but everything you see is real. A fact that I have to constantly remind myself of when I watch his films (and I watch them a lot!).
In Keith’s own words, these “photographs and short films were made in ordinary places, probably not too unlike where you live. Combining a variety of techniques, I aim to help people take a second look at places that are familiar to them.” I couldn’t agree more… But enough said – judge for yourself!

February 10, 2010
Josh Bickel struck again. This time, he ground photos of the photojournalism faculty into this hilarious little Halloween film on JibJab. Here’s the cast list: Jackie Bell as Vampire, Keith Greenwood as Wolverine, Rita Reed as Frankenstein’s Bride, David Rees as Dr. Frankenstein and Josh himself as Frankenstein’s Monster. Just see for yourself. But hold on tight to your chair, otherwise you might fall out of it…
October 30, 2009